John Ryan, singer/guitarist for Brisbane's own 'Buick Six' took some time out from taming Griffins to converse with MMB. He just got 13 questions more authoritative below.
1. Who are your heroes?
Tim Rogers, Thurston Moore, Tony Montana, Duke Nukem, Jack White, Simply Red, Stevie Nicks...
2. The first band you saw live?
Sunk Loto. I think my ears are still ringing. One of the greatest gigs I've ever seen
3. What's your favourite Brisbane music venue?
The Tivoli... great sound and great people. Oh, and we loved The Arena because it had this dirty, hollow feel about it. Our friends from Perth, The Silents, put us on the door when they supported the Living End there - still one of the greatest nights I've ever had.
4. What's the best (or dumbest) thing that's been said to you at/after a show?
"I absolutely hate mixing bands like you - you guys all need lessons, especially you with your singing". - sound guy at a particular University bar we played last year. So that's obviously the best thing we've had said to us.
5. Why 'Buick Six' as your band name?
We stole if from a Bob Dylan song of the same name - it's such a great song. We also chose it for the comedic value - plenty of people stuff it up and say "Brick Six" or rude things such as "Buick Dicks" or "Buick Shits".
6. What makes you cringe?
Lemons. And Justin Bieber. Did we mention Justin Bieber? Oh and ants! They're all over my house at the moment.
7. Describe the raddest heist you've ever pulled off. What'd you steal?
This is epic - one time at a Numbers Radio gig on the Gold Coast, I stole a really expensive pepper grinder... one of the big ones! I just tucked it in the arm of my jacket and walked out. To this day it gets used in many of Nick's dishes (he is a qualified chef). I want to follow up with another heist to steal a matching salt grinder. This evidence is going to put me in jail isn't it?
8. What bands should people reading this be listening to?
The Silents - definitely our favourite Aussie band
Young Revelry - write songs that remind us of Jane's Addiction
The Medics - a band from North QLD: talented chaps
Oh Ye Denver Birds - a lot of talent there
DZ - will do huge things in their career
9. The Beatles or Rolling Stones?
That's a very hard question... The Beatles. A band we have grown up listening to and the greatest band of all time. Nick can sing every song word-for-word off Revolver... this is great when we have long car trips together because his singing voice is superb. Ahem...
10. You are guilty of shameful things. What are these BAAAD things?
How did you know about this? We may/may not have stolen some sandwiches that belonged to a high-profile band when we supported them... don't want to mention any names here. We eat lots of carbs - that's really a bad thing.
11. You can choose one musician, alive or dead, to perform with 'Buick Six' for one night only. Who do you choose?
John Bonham. And we wouldn't even play - we'd just let him play the Moby Dick drum solo and sit off to the side and watch.
12. If someone wrote a biography for Buick Six what would the title be?
"A Griffin is not just a dragon - it's also a bass player"
13. What can we expect from Buick Six in the near future?
A lot of new material - fact. We have a new home studio set-up going on, so it's demo heaven right here. Our live show is going to incorporate a bit more variety and we'll be touring Australia by the end of the year.
Buick Six play their next show in Brisbane on June 5 at The Troubadour
Buick Six - Website
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