Steve Foster and Ruth Nitkiewicz, the dynamic duo who make up Brisbane band Bonfire Nights (yes the whole band), took some time out from their busy schedules to talk to MMB. They got 13 questions further behind schedule below.
1. Who are your heroes?
Steve: I don’t think I have any, is that weird?
2. The first band you saw live?
Steve: Paul McCartney, when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I remember him playing Live and Let Die and Hey Jude, it was a pretty awesome first gig.
Ruth: Screamfeeder at Albert Park (as it was then known) when I was about 15 years old. I danced on stage like an idiot.
3. What's your favourite Brisbane music venue?
Steve: As an all round venue, it would have to be the Troubadour. The Valley can get a little crazy so going to the Troubadour feels like shelter from the storm. Lofly Hangar is also really cool, it just feels like a massive house party.
4. What’s the best (or dumbest) thing that’s been said to you at/after a show?
Steve: “Hey! Are you that drummer guy from that band, the Mess Hall, you guys are awesome, would you like me to buy you a drink?” To which I replied, “Yes I am, and I would like a drink.”
5. Why 'Bonfire Nights' as your band name?
Steve: We came up with it on bonfire night last year, which is celebrated on the 5th of November in the UK. I remember when I was growing up there, that all the kids would build these huge bonfires and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes. It was always a really exciting time but also a little dark and scary, which in a way is reflected in the music, so it seemed appropriate.
6. What makes you cringe?
Ruth: David Koch. Seriously. Die already.
7. Describe the raddest heist you’ve ever pulled off. What’d you steal?
Ruth: British India’s rider. They deserved it.
8. What bands should people reading this be listening to?
Ruth: At the moment I’m loving Beaches, a band from Melbourne. Five girls that play fuzzy psychedelic tunes; they’re great.
Steve: Band of Skulls. In fact, we like a lot of bands beginning with the letter ‘B’: Blonde on Blonde, BRMC, Butcher Birds, The Beatles (see question 9), Breeders, Bat For Lashes….
9. The Beatles or Rolling Stones?
See question 8.
10. You are guilty of shameful things. What are these BAAAAD things?
Ruth: I vomited in front of Devo, backstage at Splendour in the Grass 2008. Not my finest hour.
11. You can choose one musician, alive or dead, to perform with 'Bonfire Nights' for one night only. Who do you choose?
Marc Bolan.
12. If someone wrote a biography for 'Bonfire Nights' what would the title be?
“Is That It?”
13. What can we expect from 'Bonfire Nights' in the near future?
We’re launching our debut EP in July, and will be touring interstate in the coming months.
Bonfire Nights are playing the Troubadour May 14 & 25
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